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Livelihood cases a Spring Festival focus


As the Chinese New Year is coming courts should focus on closing livelihood cases to ensure all parties have a happy and leisurely Spring Festival, according to China Court (


For the Chinese people, Spring Festival is the end of a year and a time when families must gather together, remembering the past year and making New Year's resolutions.


Getting involved in disputes can never be a joyous element during the Spring Festival vacation. Therefore, ending the disputes with fair judgments would relieve the parties' anxiety and tension.


Livelihood cases generally cover a wide range including payment of wages, alimony, compensation for medical malpractice and industrial injury insurance.


Courts at various levels have been opening series enforcement campaigns targeting livelihood disputes around Spring Festival annually since 2014. To date, livelihood cases have involved 23.9 billion yuan ($3.53 billion).


Resolving cases related to arrears of wages has been a main issue during the Spring Festival vacation every year. Meanwhile, the Chinese people often visit friends and relatives during the vacation, which is a chance to find defaulters and generate legal publicity.


Courts should join hands with related departments and make full use of modern devices to deal with disputes efficiently and fairly.


The SPC has also worked on widening judicial relief funds to help parties and defaulters living in poverty to complete their trials and have a sound Chinese New Year. In 2018, about 650 million yuan were awarded to applicants to the justice system.